The Library Network purchases access to academic journals and news sources for you. Before you pay for an academic article you find online, check whether the library has purchased access through another source using these tools. In Google Scholar, "GetText@IMF-WBG Library" will take you to the copy we bought for you. The Chrome extensions Unpaywall and EndNote Click help you locate an open access or free repository version when the library doesn't have a subscription.
Sometimes users will encounter access issues with library resources if they did not use an EZproxy link, especially when working from home, traveling, or in a country office. The EZproxy bookmarklet can help by adding an EZproxy prefix to the URL, which allows the vendor to recognize that you are part of the IMF / WBG network and grant access to the resource.
To add the EZproxy bookmarklet to your Chrome browser, click and drag this link to your Bookmarks bar: IMF/WBG Proxy Bookmarklet
You can also send us the citation details via the Ask! a Librarian form and we will find the full text for you!
When you search Google Scholar from your work computer, you will see "GetText@IMF-WBG Library" links to the right of articles for which the Library has subscriptions. Click on "GetText" to see links to the purchased copy. Please note that if you click on the article title, you may encounter a paywall.
The "GetText@IMF-WBG Library" links appear automatically in Google Scholar when you are working inside the IMF and WBG Intranets. If you want to see this link while working outside of those networks, follow the instructions below:
NOTE! To access full text, you may be prompted to log into IMF or WBG VPN proxy.
Install the Google Scholar Button Chrome Extension for quick lookup of journal articles from any website or PDF you are viewing in the Chrome browser. Just highlight the article citation details and click the Google Scholar icon on the Chrome extension bar to quickly lookup that article. Or just click on the icon and type your own search terms into the text box.
These Chrome browser add-ins will assist with finding the full text of an academic article, and have been white-listed for both the IMF and WBG.. Note that they operate from the landing page (publisher or repository website) of an academic article and that a DOI (digital object identifier) must appear on that landing page for these helpers to work. Most academic articles have DOIs. Each of the following tools is backed by somewhat different data sets, so it is useful to install more than one. T
Unpaywall locates alternative OA (open access) or preprint versions of journal articles. After installed, it automatically appears as a lock icon on the right side of the screen on publisher's websites for journal articles. A grey closed lock indicates that there is no OA or preprint found. If the lock appears as an open green lock, click on tit to open the OA/preprint article.
Open Access Button. Click on Open Access Button's orange lock icon in the extensions bar at the top of your Chrome browser. If there is an OA/preprint version, it will open in a new tab. If it does not find an OA/preprint version, it can automate the process of requesting a copy from the author. Provide your email address when prompted to begin the request.
EndNote Click (was Kopernio) automatically appears as an icon in the lower left corner of article webpages. It assists in three ways: 1) locates PDFs links on the current webpage (which are sometimes hard to see), 2) checks for OA/preprint alternatives and 3) provides a link to the IMF/WBG Library which allows you to check for a subscription (paid) version across the Library's other electronic collections.
When installing EndNote Click, you will be prompted to create a free account and to "Select your university to get started." Search for and select "International Monetary Fund" or "World Bank" as appropriate. This set-up allows EndNote Click to check the Library's subscriptions for access to the article.